1. Glitter Lips?
    On occasion.
  2. Dance shoes or stilettos?
    Depends on the costume, however the older I get the more I lean towards dance shoes.
  3. Enter with music or start on-stage?
    It all depends on the act. I’ve done both.
  4. Bumps, Grinds, Shakes or Shimmies?
    All of the above.
  5. Dermablend or Sally Hansen?
    Dermablend. I finally found a product by them that matches my skin color.
  6. To wig or not to wig?
    I prefer not to wig because I love playing with my hair on stage, also it’s so hot wearing wigs, but it sure does save a lot of time.
  7. Three words that describe you:
    Fun, bubbly and mischievous.
  8. Favorite Body Part?
    I don’t think I have one particular favourite but I have been known to notice men’s hands and women’s necks… watch out I bite!
  9. Last thing you do before the curtain opens?
    Deep breaths and tune in.
  10. Dressing room must-have?
    Good lighting please.


  1. What was your introduction to burlesque?
    The Bad Girl of Burlesque, Miss Exotic World 2010…
  2. When did you know you had what it took?
    When I stepped foot on stage at the strip club, I just loved performing and moving to the music. Teasing and seducing though dance came naturally to me. Stage was really all I cared about. Many girls would try to skip their stage time but I was always eager to perform and would give it my all, even if there were only a couple of people in the club. It just brings me joy and that was a sign I needed to pursue something more.
  3. Who is your inspiration?
    I’m not too sure I have a single inspiration, especially a specific person or performer. I think strippers of all kinds are what has inspired me. Strong women, using their beautiful bodies to entrance an audience and making a living at it is hella inspiring.
  4. Assuming it doesn’t say Roxi D’Lite on your birth certificate, where did your stage name come from?
    Roxie Hart from Chicago because she just wanted to make a life in showbiz, also I have always liked the name Roxi. My last name, D’Lite, was my old stage name when I first became a stripper in gentlemen’s clubs.
  5. What percentage of Roxi D’Lite would we see if we ran into you at the grocery store?
    Zero. I live a double life and I love it!
  6. What is your favorite costume piece of all time?
    Pointed mesh triangle bra because it feels authentic and has mega vintage burlesque vibes…but I also love a corset because of it’s magical waist reducing abilities.
  7. What is your most embarrassing on-stage mishap?
    Hmmm, well there are a few for sure. Slipping on a bead from someone’s broken skirt at BHOF was scary. I’d have to say the worst was in Christchurch when I lost control of my Cyr wheel and it went rolling into the audience. It didn’t help that we had someone in our cast who was awful to work with and made many of us miserable. They just got into my head and physically affected my performances. I’ve been afraid to perform in my wheel ever since.
  8. What was the best performance of your career so far?
    Performing Madame X for Monde Ose in Montreal. I remember being so in the moment, and every movement was exhilarating. The audience was amazing—I had a blast up there. I also really enjoyed collaborating with Russian Surf Rock band, Messer Chups, at Theatre Bizarre. I’ve been a fan of them for well over a decade. I got a chance to meet them in Vegas and we became pals. Naturally, I asked if they’d ever come to our show in Detroit and lo and behold, they made a tour around our show. Seeing them on stage at Theatre Bizarre was a dream come true. I got to perform with fire while dancing to their music live, instead of from a recording, it was totally surreal.
  9. Who is your dream collaborator?
    My husband Dante, also known as Charlie Champagne. We love collaborating together and have created lots of magic in a short amount of time. We started producing our show, The Whoopee Club, together last year. It’s been so much fun collaborating with him—we really mesh so well. He sings and hosts and I dance and co-host. I hope we can get our show back on stage when venues are back up and running.
  10. What is your favorite venue?
    The Masonic Temple in Detroit with Theatre Bizarre.
  11. How much do you ACTUALLY work out?
    Next question.
  12. Do you have any pet peeves when it comes to other performers?
  13. Have you ever dated a fan?
  14. What is the strangest gift you ever got from a fan?
    A bottle of maple syrup in a Crown Royale bottle complete with his wife’s hand-written recipe for pancakes. Yes, this was from a Canadian fan.
  15. Do you have any pre-show rituals?
    Yes. I stretch, have a cocktail, and smoke some green. My old tagline used to be “The Drinkin’ Smokin’ Strippin’ Machine” and that’s truly what it was about. However, I don’t use that tagline anymore. I changed it years ago to simply “The Bad Girl of Burlesque” but my pre-show ritual is where that tagline came from.
  16. If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
    More professional performers and less hobbyists performing for free. I’d like to see more experience from performers before they step on stage, unless it’s a student showcase where the audience is expecting fresh blood. Overall, I would like to see the quality over quantity. 
  17. If you could give one piece of advice to a newbie, what would it be?
    Be original and creative, don’t steal other perormer’s ideas. Be inspired but make it your own! Don’t get on stage unless you’re rehearsed and ready. Don’t perform for free, this hurts the industry and affects those who are full-time performers. Lastly, know now your burlesque history, learn about legends and those who paved the way before you…. that’s more than one piece of advice but they’re all equally important.
  18. What would you be doing if it wasn’t burlesque?
    Who knows…I’m not really performing much these days because of the pandemic but life is all about growing and evolving, I’m just here riding this wave that is the human experience. I’m looking for ways to help others and am making an effort to move into a career that supports that. I’ll still be dancing and performing, but I am exploring what other skills I have that can be helpful to others. I have also really been enjoying the behind the scenes work and producing more than anything the last couple years and am learning how to be a professional video editor and getting my 200 hr YTT so I can teach yoga.
  19. What would you like to be remembered for?
    I have no idea to be honest, I haven’t really thought about it. I’m just doing what I do and hopefully people like it enough to put my art in their show. One day I might be remembered or I might be forgotten but as long as the ones I hold dear remember me it’s all that matters. I’ve been moving further and further from ego driven goals. Most days, I just want to hang out with my tree friends with my bare feet in the dirt. If I had to think of something to be remembered for, I would like people to remember me for being fun and a passionate and innovative performer.

To keep up with Roxi, follow her on Instagram @roxi_dlite and visit her website HERE! 

Also check out here Performer Profile here.


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